Corey Allen**

Corey J. Allen, a lifelong resident of Newburgh, has over 20 years of experience in the community organizing/political lobbying/consulting arena, having worked in countless political campaigns, and organized community-based events in the Hudson Valley. His previous experience includes working for the City of Newburgh as the Assistant Coordinator of T.U.R.N. (Teens United to Rebuild Newburgh) developing programs for children ages 7-15, the Assistant Athletic Director at the Glenn E. Hines Boys and Girls Club, and Campaign Coordinator on two City Council elections and a Board of Education election. He’s also worked with Congressman Maloney in his recent 2013 campaign, Frank Skartados with his most recent campaign, and lastly, with former Obama adviser and State Assemblyman Michael Blake’s campaign.
Corey is Co-Founder of Financing Your Freedom, an organization that teaches financial literacy to the community. He is currently a Board Member of Community Voices Heard, representing Orange County, a member of the Zoning Board in the City of Newburgh, and the Chairman of the City of Newburgh Police-Community Relations Review Board.
Corey enjoys playing the guitar, relaxing, and long walks on the beach. He says, "Prior to Habitat of Greater Newburgh, I worked in sales during the day, and tried to help my community in my spare time. Thanks to Habitat, I am given a chance to help my community all of the time. I truly cannot wait."