Lynn Brown

Lynn is a retired music educator who taught for most of her 34 year career in the Monroe- Woodbury School District, where she was the first M-W teacher to receive National Board Certification and was named MWTA Teacher of the Year in 2006.
A flautist, she has performed with the Orange-County based New York Wind Symphony for many years, to include performances at a music festival on the French Riviera and at Carnegie Hall.
Lynn began volunteering with Habitat Newburgh in the early 2000’s through the newly- formed Presbybuild organization, participating in group work days with her church. In retirement, she has worked both on site and on committees since 2014 and joined the Habitat Board in 2022.
In addition to Habitat, Lynn’s volunteer work has included working with Midnight Run, bringing food and clothing to the homeless in NYC and with Bridges to Community, building homes in Nicaragua. A Cold Spring resident, she serves as an Elder and Clerk of Session for her church, First Presbyterian of Philipstown, and on the Commission on Ministry for the Hudson River Presbytery.
Lynn currently chairs the Volunteer Relations Committee.