Janis Berg

Janis first started volunteering with Habitat in 2010 when she was retired from teaching music and approaching the empty nest. Very soon after she became involved as chair of the annual Walk for Housing committee. She then became a board member for a full 6-year term focusing on Fund Development. After several years of hiatus, during which time she assumed the role of "best grandma ever" (twice!), Janis is back and serving as Chair of the Board.
Originally from New Jersey, marriage brought her to Newburgh where she has resided in the city and now town since 1986. Her 2 children Andrew and Lauren attended NFA where they received an excellent education. Janis states -“ The Lord has blessed my life abundantly and it is a pleasure to give back to the community -specifically through Habitat Newburgh. The experience working alongside so many wonderful volunteers and staff has enhanced my life deeply. In addition, the current housing crisis has only confirmed to me the important impact Habitat for Humanity is having in Newburgh and potentially our area beyond the city limits.”