Habitat Newburgh plants the seeds that foster human potential. Our work results in a collective sense of pride and responsibility not just for one family, but for the community.
Habitat Newburgh Volunteer
Every one of us deserves the opportunity for a better future. Habitat Newburgh builds and improves places to call home. We partner with remarkable families to create strength, stability, and self-reliance through our homeownership and repair program, A Brush With Kindness. Better, affordable living conditions lead to improved health, stronger childhood development, and the ability--and flexibility--to make forward-looking decisions. Through shelter, we empower.
Strong and stable homes help create healthy neighborhoods and vibrant communities. Habitat Newburgh invests in changing the quality of life for our homeowners and the larger community beyond our homebuilding activities through our neighborhood revitalization efforts.
Working together, side by side with families, volunteers help make possible the ability of a family to stand on their own, to build a better life for themselves and their families. Special build programs offer unique opportunities for families and volunteers.