Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh brings people together to build houses, community, and hope.
Serving Local Families for 25 Years
We are honored to have served local families for the last 25 years, and while we are reflecting on our work, and celebrating the past, we are also building for the future and the initiatives we have in store for affordable homeownership.
Build With Us
learn more about our history, impact & vision
take a free bus tour
On this tour you will hear moving homeowner stories, view the house-by-house transformation of a community, and witness our extraordinary volunteers in action!
Hudson Valley Gives (24 Hours ONLY)

We Need YOUR Support! Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh is participating in Hudson Valley Gives on May 15, 2024. This is a 24-hour event that unites HUNDREDS of charities across 7 counties in 1 common goal: Give Where You Live! #habitatnewburgh
We have increased our goal for Hudson Valley Gives this year and we need your help achieving it!
Thanks to supporters like you, Habitat Newburgh has been bringing people together to build homes, community and hope for 25 years.
We have more work to do. We have 25 families in our program, that's a record for us! Additionally, we have 16 houses in planning and construction! Our team is hard at work to make sure affordable, decent housing is a viable choice for local families.
This Hudson Valley Gives we need to raise $50,000 to purchase and install retaining walls for all FOUR of the houses in our 511 South Street Project. This is the last phase of construction before these houses will be SOLD!
If you have a question, contact 845-568-6035 for the Development Department.
Your support produces tangible results--a safe, decent and affordable home for a hardworking family in need.