Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh brings people together to build houses, community, and hope.
Serving Local Families for 25 Years
We are honored to have served local families for the last 25 years, and while we are reflecting on our work, and celebrating the past, we are also building for the future and the initiatives we have in store for affordable homeownership.
Build With Us
learn more about our history, impact & vision
take a free bus tour
On this tour you will hear moving homeowner stories, view the house-by-house transformation of a community, and witness our extraordinary volunteers in action!
12th Night Concert at St. James Episcopal Church

Episco-Build choirs and musicians in concert
All proceeds to EpiscoBuild - a partnership of Mid-Hudson Episcopal parishes with Habit for Humanity of Newburgh
To complete our 7th Episco-Build house
Free-will offerings will be gratefully accepted
Your support produces tangible results--a safe, decent and affordable home for a hardworking family in need.