Virtual Walk For Housing

Sunday, April 26, 202012:30 pmSunday, May 10, 20202:30 pm
Washington Headquarters Liberty & Washington St


Due to COVID-19 related safety hazards and restrictions, Habitat for Humanity of greater Newburgh was required to postpone our annual Walk for Housing. The Walk for Housing is an integral part of Habitat Newburgh's fundraising and advocacy efforts. Since so much planning had already been done for the event, it felt wrong to just let the day go unnoticed. The HFHGN staff and Walk Committee brainstormed to devise a way to still have an event that observes all COVID-19 related regulations. The result... Habitat Newburgh's 1st Virtual Walk for Housing!

Our Virtual Walk for Housing is an opportunity to break free from cabin fever. We aim to get you moving! It will feature a tour of 14 different stops around the City of Newburgh over the span of two weeks. The stops will be presented in blog posts on our website and shared to our social media platforms. Each stop will feature photos accompanied with a detailed write up. It will take place from Sunday, April 26th - Sunday, May 10th.

"Walkers" can participate by walking, hiking, cycling, or running in the safety of your home, yard, or other safe, physically distant place.The team with the longest distance/most hours walked will get their name on the 2020 Walk for Housing T- Shirt. Recruit team members, log your walks, hikes, runs, or rides on your fundraising page and share to Habitat’s social media or email to: To get started please visit:

Please help us spread the word and recruit participants by sharing our letter:
and Flyer: