"I don't think there is another nonprofit in Orange County that has engaged the community in such a big way."
Habitat Newburgh Donor
Everyone can do something today to help make it possible for another family to have a decent place to live.
There are countless ways to get involved with our organization.
If you’re the type that likes to see the fruits of your labor, check out our volunteer opportunities where you can directly affect those we serve.
We rely on the generosity of donors to make an investment in the families with whom we partner and the community in which we build.
We ask that all of you use your voice within your circle of influence and to those in decision-making positions. Share your story about the importance and impact having a decent and affordable place to call home has on children, families, and the larger community.
If you’re interested in seeing what’s going on, visit our calendar of events. We hope you will be able to join us for a build day, a dedication, or some other special event.