Make your voice heard in our community
You can advocate for affordable homeownership right here in our community. Tell your elected officials about Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh, and the issues that impact our homeowners and our ability to continue building and serving families.
Lead & Asbestos Abatement
- The cost of safely abating lead and asbestos from a property is often up to a third of our total development costs for a project, and is often the prohibitive factor that keeps us from being able to rehab a property. Speak to your elected officials about identifying streams of funding for abatement that is available not only to current homeowners, but to organizations seeking to rehabilitate abandoned properties for homeownership.
Funding Streams for Smaller-Scale Housing Development
- Most housing grants are designed for large scale development. Habitat Newburgh has seen the impact that our smaller-scale house-by-house or single-block-focused efforts can have in revitalizing a community. Speak to elected officials about the need for funding streams that fit the needs of organizations making incremental but lasting change on the ground in our community.
Support Habitat NY State's Make Room Campaign
There are over 1 million families in New York alone who are in need of affordable housing, and the problem is growing. To build out of the housing crisis, each of the 53 Habitat affiliates would have to build 1 house per day, 365 days a year, for over 50 years. The affordable housing problem requires a holistic approach. Unfortunately, building is not enough to solve the problem.
Advocacy keeps the pressure on politicians to support affordable housing legislation and changes community attitudes about families in need of affordable housing. JOIN HABITAT NYS ADVOCACY
Make Noise. Make Change. Make Room.
- Too many Americans struggle to afford a home. You can change that.
- Right now, 20 million American families are struggling to afford a home. So why isn’t the high cost of housing an election issue? Join us to demand attention, action and resources from Congress.
Support Habitat's Legislative Agenda
Habitat for Humanity’s work involves hearts, hands and voices to create a world where everyone has a safe, decent and affordable place to live. TAKE ACTION
Housing finance reform
- Join Habitat for Humanity in calling on our leaders to support reasonable reform of the U.S. housing finance system.
Tell the CFPB: Stop the debt trap
- Loans should be fair to both borrowers and lenders, not trap people in a long-term cycle of debt. Tell the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to stop the debt trap by taking action now.
Act now: Save National Service
- Take action now and tell Congress to protect National Service, including programs like AmeriCorps, that are instrumental to Habitat for Humanity's work. Habitat Newburgh hosts 3 Construction Leader AmeriCorps members per year, and these volunteers are essential to the building process.
Protect gifts that serve families
- Help ensure that Habitat affiliates can continue to accept donated appraisals and serve the greatest number of families possible.
Tell Congress: HOME works!
- Congress is threatening to end the HOME Investment Partnerships Program. Since the early 1990s, HOME funds have helped Habitat for Humanity affiliates reach the communities that need our help the most. Show your support for HOME today.
Join Solid Ground Campaign
Improving access to land means more people live in decent housing. Solid Ground, a global advocacy campaign of Habitat for Humanity, aims to ensure that everyone has access to land for shelter so that everyone can have a decent place to live. How? By changing the policies, laws and systems that are standing in the way. You can use your voice to support policies, laws and systems that allow people to invest in their land, their livelihoods, and their communities. Together, we will create a world where everyone has a decent place to live. USE YOUR VOICE FOR CHANGE
Improving land rights.
- Secure tenure exists in many forms along a continuum ranging from formal, legal tenure to informal social tenure, and from group ownership to individual solutions. Solid Ground is improving all forms of land tenure at all levels of government.
- Fighting for gender equality in land.
- Ensuring secure property rights for women provides far-reaching benefits for entire communities. Solid Ground is promoting policies and systems that make equal property rights for women a reality.
Upgrading Slums.
- Urban population growth is outpacing the rate at which cities can respond to the need for housing. Solid Ground is working to upgrade slums and informal settlements by securing land rights for slum dwellers and advocating for policies that improve access to basic sanitation services.
Creating disaster-resilient communities.
- When a disaster strikes, the laws of the land determine the speed of its recovery. Solid Ground is strengthening land rights to form resilient and responsive communities.